Memories of Moom, by Zanna
Created by Paul 14 years ago
I am very proud to say that Jane is my mother. It feels strange calling her mother, or Mum because we would always call her Moom.
I remember Moom telling me, telling all of us, ‘I love you more than words can say, more than life itself, more than you’ll ever know.’ We used to joke around, ‘Yes, but who do you love more, me or Caz? Katherine or Tim?’. Funnily enough, she didn’t have a preference, we were all as bad as each other…
I remember waiting to be picked up from school by Moom. And waiting… and waiting… and waiting… Time keeping was something that she never quite got the hang of.
I remember feeling miserable at New Year - at 12 it is not cool to spend New Years Eve with your drunken parents and their friends. I was assigned the role of ‘DJ’. Mum and Pat dancing to ‘Oh what a night’ was enough to put a smile on anyone’s face.
I remember being on a night out in Liverpool and slowly realising that I had inherited my Moom’s dance moves, the clicking, slightly off beat, juddering of the head and shaking of the hips.
I remember being banished from our house, on Mother’s Day this year, because I had picked up a cough. And so, by order of Dad, I was banished, and told ‘You may wave to Mum, through the window.’ But Moom wouldn’t have it. After some persuasion, Dad opened the door. And so, we stood at opposite ends of the corridor and waved. Moom didn’t need to be able to speak to assert her authority over Dad – he knew his place.
I remember this – thumbs up came to symbolise her unwavering resolute approach to Motor Neurone Disease. I’m starting to realise that life isn’t always fair. However unfair the burden of this cruel, vicious disease, Moom battled it face on with a firm thumbs up – she would not let it beat her.
I remember Mum finding a copy of the Love CD – Forever Changes and playing ‘Alone Again Or’ on repeat. She said it reminded her of home.
My Moom is kind, patient, caring, honest, beautiful, wise, determined and so very brave. I will continue strive to be like you and to make you proud. We will miss you, everyday. We love you ‘more than words can say, more than life itself’ and more than you’ll ever, ever know.